About Us
Liberty Pentecostal Church of the Apostolic Faith (LibertyPCAF, LPCAF), currently an On-Line Ministry, was founded by Evangelist Shelia Johnson with the approval of godly leadership and the support of her husband, Deacon Charles Johnson, in October 2020. Deacon Charles Johnson and Evangelist Shelia Johnson met in college and have been married for nearly four decades. They are the parents of two and grandparents of five, all of whom they love dearly.
Both, Evangelist Shelia Johnson and Deacon Charles Johnson, were baptized in Jesus’ name and filled with the Holy Ghost in 1985 at Bethany Community Church (BCC) in Pacoima under the leadership of District Elder Robert L. Johnson. Pastor Edward Andre Morton of New Beginnings Christian Worship Center (NBCWC), District Elder Johnson’s successor, became their pastor after the retirement of District Elder Robert Johnson in 2016.
Evangelist Shelia Johnson accepted her call to the ministry in 1986 and was ordained at the California District Council (CDC) Summer Conference in July 2014 by Bishop Charles H. Ellis III, the Presiding Prelate of the P.A.W. and Interim Bishop for the CDC at that time. Evangelist Johnson is a graduate of Aenon Bible College and has been a servant in the kingdom of God since her conversion. She has served as an Usher, Choir Member, Worship Team Member, Contact/Hospitality Committee President, Christian Education Teacher, Evangelism Team Member, Missionary Auxiliary Vice President at BCC, Missionary President at BCC and NBCWC, CDC District # 1 Missionary President, CDC Region 4 Missionary/Christian Women’s Auxiliary President. Evangelist Johnson worked for many years in the aerospace industry and now holds Clear Career Technical Education (CTE) and Clear Adult Education (AE) teaching credentials with the State of California. She is a woman who loves the Lord and whose aim is to please the Lord.
Deacon Johnson has been a loyal worker in the kingdom of God since his conversion in 1985. He has served as an Usher, Choir Member, Worship Team Member, Audio Team Member, Contact/Hospitality Committee Member, Deacon, Christian Education Teacher, Brotherhood Auxiliary Vice President at BCC, Secretary to CDC District # 1 Pastors, and lastly Head Deacon at BCC and NBCWC. Although being blessed to have earned his B. S. degree in engineering from a major university, he learned through his father in the gospel, District Elder Robert Johnson, that the spiritual things of God always come first. Having said this, since the age of 26 he has devoted his life to being an example of a Christian (in and out of church settings). His desire is, through word and deed that people would understand that Christianity is the greatest lifestyle anyone can attain to. Although he has received many Sales Achievement Awards and accommodations, he considers just being a child of God is his greatest accomplishment. After prayerful consideration, Deacon Johnson felt led to support his wife, Evangelist Shelia Johnson in establishing Liberty Pentecostal Church of the Apostolic Faith (LPCAF) in October 2020.
Both, Evangelist Shelia Johnson and Deacon Charles Johnson, were baptized in Jesus’ name and filled with the Holy Ghost in 1985 at Bethany Community Church (BCC) in Pacoima under the leadership of District Elder Robert L. Johnson. Pastor Edward Andre Morton of New Beginnings Christian Worship Center (NBCWC), District Elder Johnson’s successor, became their pastor after the retirement of District Elder Robert Johnson in 2016.
Evangelist Shelia Johnson accepted her call to the ministry in 1986 and was ordained at the California District Council (CDC) Summer Conference in July 2014 by Bishop Charles H. Ellis III, the Presiding Prelate of the P.A.W. and Interim Bishop for the CDC at that time. Evangelist Johnson is a graduate of Aenon Bible College and has been a servant in the kingdom of God since her conversion. She has served as an Usher, Choir Member, Worship Team Member, Contact/Hospitality Committee President, Christian Education Teacher, Evangelism Team Member, Missionary Auxiliary Vice President at BCC, Missionary President at BCC and NBCWC, CDC District # 1 Missionary President, CDC Region 4 Missionary/Christian Women’s Auxiliary President. Evangelist Johnson worked for many years in the aerospace industry and now holds Clear Career Technical Education (CTE) and Clear Adult Education (AE) teaching credentials with the State of California. She is a woman who loves the Lord and whose aim is to please the Lord.
Deacon Johnson has been a loyal worker in the kingdom of God since his conversion in 1985. He has served as an Usher, Choir Member, Worship Team Member, Audio Team Member, Contact/Hospitality Committee Member, Deacon, Christian Education Teacher, Brotherhood Auxiliary Vice President at BCC, Secretary to CDC District # 1 Pastors, and lastly Head Deacon at BCC and NBCWC. Although being blessed to have earned his B. S. degree in engineering from a major university, he learned through his father in the gospel, District Elder Robert Johnson, that the spiritual things of God always come first. Having said this, since the age of 26 he has devoted his life to being an example of a Christian (in and out of church settings). His desire is, through word and deed that people would understand that Christianity is the greatest lifestyle anyone can attain to. Although he has received many Sales Achievement Awards and accommodations, he considers just being a child of God is his greatest accomplishment. After prayerful consideration, Deacon Johnson felt led to support his wife, Evangelist Shelia Johnson in establishing Liberty Pentecostal Church of the Apostolic Faith (LPCAF) in October 2020.